Monica Nevi is regularly touring nationally and internationally and can be seen performing in clubs, colleges, and theaters across the country. The Seattle-based comedian’s debut special “Big Stepdad Energy” (Helium Studios) released in October 2022, and was immediately voted top 50 specials of the year by We Own The Laughs magazine. She debuted two albums in 2020: Her first standup album, “Mostly Finger Guns,” followed by a comedic guided meditation, “Chill.” Both went #1 on the comedy charts.

She has appeared on FOX’s nationally syndicated TV show “Laughs” and ESPN’s Sports Center, as well as Seattle-based television programs “New Day Northwest” and “The 206.” Monica’s comedy documentary series, “80 For 80,” where she hosts and interviews people over the age of 80, is available on Amazon Prime Video and YouTube.

  • GENERAL ADMISSION. Arrive EARLY for prime seating.
  • Doors open an hour before showtime.
  • Pre-sale tickets not claimed by 15 minutes before showtime may be released for re-sale with no refunds.