Yule Fest Winter Solstice celebrationYule Fest is a Norse-inspired Yule festival in celebration of the Winter Solstice

Ahhh, the solstice. The darkest day of the year, but also the day you can rest assured that the sunlight is now returning. It’s a sliver of comfort in the frigid Idaho months, as it was in the Northern European lands the vikings called home.
Yule love our traditional Winter Solstice celebration:
  • Fire pits will be burning the Yule Log all day. Carve or burn a magical rune into a log and sacrifice it to Odin in the Yule fire.
  • Hear classic viking folklore read aloud by the talented Boise Bard Players
  • Make your own Yule wreath
  • Sample mead with Mythic Mead, and stock up on cozy beeswax candles from their bees.
  • Taste a “Braggot,” a hybrid of Mead and Beer
  • Warm up by the fires with hot mulled wine
  • Eat wood-fired pizza from Fire Giant’s Pizza Forge
This is a free, all-ages, community event and all are welcome.