The Brewery and Tasting Room are Taking Shape
The design is jumping off the pages and into reality! We’ve been busy in the brewery and tasting room building walls. A few weeks ago, our wonderful nephew, niece and her boyfriend drove all the way from Eugene to pitch in and help build our grain crush room and frame up the bar area and bathroom privacy wall. Justin, Annalisa and Mack were a great help and it was fun having them here.

Annalisa and Mack working on the grain crushing room

Planning the next steps

Jerry and Justin raising the back bar wall

Justin setting the back bar wall
The lift stopped working in the middle of everything. Justin and Mack dove right in and got it running again.

Justin testing the lift and getting a birds eye view of the brewery layout
After they left, Jerry and I cheered ourselves up, with the help of his brother Chris, by framing in the cold room. Okay… they did most of the framing and I helped attach OSB and raise the walls. Love that framing nailer!

South wall of the cold room ready to go up

Getting ready to raise the west wall of the cold room
Last week we took delivery of the first big piece of equipment for the brewhouse… the BOILER!! It’s a thing of beauty!
The rough framing is finished!